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Ink workshop on

Kangaroo Island

My usual way of transportation to the workshops is by car, though today I got to take the Ferry, from Cape Jervis to Kangaroo Island. What a great way to start the day!


Glenda is waiting for me at the harbour which is only a few minutes drive from the gallery. Today we are learning a few abstract painting techniques with some floral (or shell, or fruits for some!) elements.


The gold leaf technique seems to be quite popular leading to a lot of waowing during the demonstration. The detailing with white ink shows itself to be also enjoyed by most. Many participants experiment different ways to approach the paper layering technique.


Results in the afternoon vary from abstract work to floral painting to pure experimentation to subtle shades of gray or contrasted black and white results.


While it was chatty in the morning, the afternoon is a lot more quiet with everyone focusing on getting the job done! Only a few minutes are left before the end of the day and there are still more freshly painted background waiting in the sun to dry for the final layer of ink.


Ink day in Port Augusta

It is only 9 am when I arrive at the Curdnatta Artists' Platform Gallery that it already feels very hot. It will rise above 40 during the day.


Fortunately inside is cool, the tables are set up for the day. In total 12 participants are coming today! Among them: textile artists, teachers, a ceramic artist, a young mother and total beginners have joined the fun.


We go through a few techniques, talk about artists, ink brands, paper quality, magic brushes and more. When time has come to create their personal artwork (my favourite bit!), things go wild. Cells, stripes, strawberry, geological grounds or seaweed entangled in water currents surface around the room. There is also a lot of experimentation, gold leaf application and white ink rendering.


One day workshop really doesn't seem long enough to explore all the explosive creativity that feels the room!

Abstract ink in Port Lincoln

Today's workshop is held at Port Lincoln. I arrived in South Australia only a few days ago and am still recovering from the 2 hours and a half difference with Western Australia.


It feels like dawn when I head up to the "big green building with a fish on a bike" (as it is being described to me). The room is already set up and Georgie from the Nautilus Arts Centre is there to welcome me.


Many people from the Port Lincoln Art Group are attending the workshop today. It is fascinating to hear and see everyone's own practice. I can only guess how ink painting will find its way in their work from now on.


In the afternoon, some landscapes appear while some participants keep developing their exquisite corpse artwork. White ink and gold leaf are very popular this time and elements are incorporated in larger works.


The atmosphere is quite and well focused until it is time to look at everyone's work and pack... then the energy level shifts and so does the sound level! It is great to discover  "personal recipes" and find out about shared tips. 


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